
Ramachandra Boss & Co Review

Heist movies are a rare subject in Mollywood. Kohinoor, Sapthamashree Thaskaraha and even Mr Fraud can be added to the list. Now Nivin Pauly has tried his luck with this genre at a time when his career is at a low phase. Haneef Adeni has directed this heist comedy thriller.

Coming to the movie, the whole heist plan is a collateral mess. The most important factor is the script. Wonder how Nivin committed to this project after hearing the script. They have masked men in action, chase scenes and what not but there is no element in the heist part that looks convincing. Instead they opted for fancy scenes which made the heist part far-fetched.

There is no issue trying unrealistic scenarios in a movie but the audience should feel the thrill of a heist. But sadly the movie suffers a heavy blow in the latter half where heist portions are predominantly portrayed.

Another issue with the movie is the lack of emotional connection. The film has a first half which is intended at preparing the audience for the heist thrill. So the makers take us through the primary characters which honestly worked with a couple of characters. There are also some comical moments that tick the box although a few of them miss big time. But the film needed a strong reason backing up with the heist and sadly everything goes awry.

Talk about the performances, Vinay Fort & Jaffar Idukki deliver the only good moments in the film. Nivin Pauli was decent though his character never comes out as a big hero. The biggest minus is obviously with the Villain and his henchmen. They have a larger scope in the latter half but the performances and their weak characterisations were atrocious. If the characters have a big part to play, please ensure they perform well.

And finally when they brought some surprises towards the end, nothing was appealing to the viewers or a reasonable culmination. If this was a spoof, it might have worked with the said set of characters that are basically clowns.

A tiring experience that is basically a heist gimmick with fancy set pieces.