OTT & TVReviews

Agatha All Along: Episode 6 Review..!!

To be honest, Agatha All Along wasn’t a show I was really keen on. However, once more, I didn’t think it was as horrible as I had first thought. Its lack of novelty or anything ‘interesting’ is what affects this show presently.  While the recently released episode had its own pros, I still find it difficult to watch it without all the sluggishness. Here are my thoughts about the sixth episode of Agatha All Along, which was aired some hours back.

Like the last two episodes of HBO’s The Penguin, the latest episode of Agatha All Along, titled ‘Familiar by Thy Sides,’ is solely dedicated to a character and his flashback story.

The latest episode is dedicated to ‘a character ‘The Teen’ and his flashback story

That character is of course, ‘The Teen’, on whom the ‘finale punch’ of the last episode was all about. The Teen, formerly William Kaplan, just celebrated his Bar Mitzvah and was leaving the place after the Hex casted by Wanda Maximoff (events of WandaVision, of course) started falling. His car got into an accident, and William succumbed to his injuries, even though his parents survived. It was at this point that the soul of Billy, son of Wanda, entered William’s body and took over. Billy under William’s alias found it initially difficult to cope with the new reality he got introduced to. Apart from his ‘identity crisis’, another major problem he dealt with while at the Kaplan house was Billy’s telepathic ability, which allowed him to read the mind of everyone next to him. In such a way, he found it difficult to connect with William’s parents as well as his boyfriend Eddie. However, Billy managed to convince Eddie about the truth and tried to seek the truth behind everything that happened. It was in fact that very journey that made him end up in the world of Agatha, who was still bewitched by Wanda’s spells and later, to the ‘Road’.

The story, of course, has its own twists and turns in between. All of a sudden, some of the members who joined Agatha in the show became more involved in Billy’s plot than anyone expected. There was also an unexpected cameo from someone who was considered quite controversial during the WandaVision days. Some of the parts of Agatha All Along that were left open or unanswered till now have been answered, which is in a way a positive side of this episode.

Agatha & Billy in Wanda Vision series

But in spite of all this, the major con of the show still remains, which is, of course, the tediousness. Even with all the twists and turns in between, I found it difficult to actually enjoy the show. There isn’t anything novel here, but also there isn’t so far anything that could simply make us feel hooked into it. I’m still waiting for that one moment on the show, which could perhaps change my perspective on Agatha All Along, but considering the fact that there are only two more episodes left, I don’t actually see many possible outcomes of that even happening (partially contributed by some of the previous mediocre series’ under MCU).

Of course, the show isn’t so far anywhere as bad as She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is. But again, it’s not something great either. All I can do for now regarding the show is hope for something miraculous to happen to save it from becoming something ‘way too forgettable’.